Friday, May 10, 2013


by: Muhammad Barir

May 2013 as witnessed about resurfaced of the terrorism issue after a few moments was not audible in Indonesia. how not, the Detachment 88, an anti-terrorism  forces of POLRI (Polisi Republik Indonesia). held a large-scale raids on Java and Lampung, from this raid several people were killed and several others were captured alive. Which is a hot issue of almost every terrorism raid is that terrorism often associated with Islam and Jihad, what is the right thing?, Why every time there is a terrorist attack is always associated with Islam.
West often pointed out, that Jihad is war and terrorism, if we look at the pure definition of jihad in Islamic concept, West argument about jihad obviously not the right argument, Jihad is not terrorism, what do some people who did the bombing in the name of Islam is not a jihad. Jihad are struggling and trying to be physically in the goodness without harming anyone. Some of murder by bombing can not be called jihad.
What was said by Pope Benedict XVI which considers the concept Jihad in Islam is as negative concept can not be justified, because what was done by Islamic Hardliners not according to Islamic Jihad. Jihad has three elements, 
1.  Jihad              : Struggling with the physic for goodness
2.  Ijtihad           : Struggling with the logic for goodness
3.  mujahadah    : Struggling with the heart for kindness

Of the meaning of jihad, “is clear”, that Jihad have no associate with the terrorism.
Abdurrahman Wahid declared that Islam has always blamed when there is an act of terrorism, Islam is always synonymous with terrorism, but terrorists are coming from Islamic hardliners whose quantity no more than 5% from whole of Muslims today. So it is clear, that the west allegations against the Islamic during this time is classified as a big misunderstanding.
Now, the position of Islam as a religion which is too blamed, in some countries such as Palestine, Islam colonized and blood tainted by Zionist Israel, but why Israel is not considered a terrorist?. What wrong with this world?.

Greetings of Heart Voice from the other side in the World ...

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